Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So. I's reading this book the other day. And by the other day I mean today. And I thought I would share some with you. The book's called Runny Babbit by Shel Shilverstein.

This poem's called "Ploppy Sig Reans his Cloom" and it's one of my favorites.
Said Ploppy sig to Runny Babbit,
"May I use your broom?"
Said Runny Babbit, "Yes, fut birst,
Please let me ree your soom.
Oh Ploppy Sig, oh pessy mig,
Oh dilthy firty swine,
Whoever thought your room would be
As mig a bess as mine?"

That's all. Oh and I was filmed today in a movie.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

my fantastic fathers day

I have a new video game console. It's called a we (but it's spelled wii). So far the only thing I play on it is golf and we play baseball but Deborah keeps beating me at it. She got nine homeruns on ten pitches. She's amazing. I only hope that I can become like her one day and gain her level of perfection (or near perfection).

Tate gave me the wii for fathers' day. All Deborah gave me was a lousy lunchbox so I can stop spending money on lunch. Obviously Tate loves me much more than Deborah does. I wish she could be more like Tate. And I wish I could be more like Deborah so maybe it's really Tate I want to be like. He does get to run around the house naked and I do like that.

On Monday I'm being filmed for work so everyone can see how they are supposed to do their jobs. I am, after all, the greatest technician ever. That name didn't originate with me. Peter gave me that name but I didn't object. It is true after all.