(I just found out I should have writen this post prior to the one after it, even though this one comes after. so you should read the post below first then this one.)
There is nothing in the world that confuses me more than a mormon who votes for democrats in todays politics and here is why. ( now I'm not trying to offend anyone there are some really grood democtats out there such as joe liberman)
The Democratic Party has become intertwined with some really Evil practices. (the republicans have there own problems, but they are no where near what has infiltraded the Democtatic party)
now let me preface this by asking the question how many of you would eat a taco if it only had one cockroach in it? probably not too many, well the Democrats as they now stand have way more than one cockroach in their taco. But there are only two cockroaches which I want to talk about and those are Abortion and Gays. and whats funny is this is the exact same issue. I'll explain how.
Most of you know about what is called the plan of salvation if not here is a brief over view, step one come to earth, step two die. step three go to heaven or hades. (that leaves out a little bit, but all you need to understand is step 1.)
Gods very first step in yours and mine and everyone elses salvation is for us to come to earth. and because he has a lot of kids he created a very powerful drive in mankind to procreate.
Now if Gods first step is to get us down here, Satans first step is to keep us up there!!!!!! Satan cannot take away the urge to procreate but he can do a few other things to prevent Gods children (some of the greatest I might add) from coming to earth. thus enters Abortions and Gays.
Gods first commandment in the Garden of Eden was to multiply and replenish the earth anyone who supports or affiliates with individuals who push the gay and abortion agenda (and I would say voting for them qualifies) needs to understand that no matter what else that candidate stand for it cannot make up for the gross Evil of these two practices. if the taco says its going to feed the poor and educate the children and take care of the elderly -ie: lettuce, tamato's and cheese - it sounds good, but when you find out that the meat and beans (abortions and gays) is made up of cockroaches the whole taco should be thrown in the trash.
Now I need to rebuttle a certain (false) Lds arguement in favor of abortions and that arguement goes something like this. {I support a womans right to choose becase gods plan is all about free agency and even though I don't agree with abortions I still think they should have thier free agency to choose.}
This arguement is flawed in so many ways but here is the main one. There is a spirit son or daughter in heaven waiting for thier time to come to earth. By performing an abortion you are taking away that individuals free agency.
there are two parties involved not just one. and in many ways abortion is like murder once that choice has been made there is no amount of repentance or recompence which can change the outcome.
Finally I do not know what happens to that spirit son or daughter who was waiting for that body. they may just go on to the next avaliable body or perhaps that counted as thier short stint on earth. I assume it probably varies on an individual case, but if it is all they get of this life than abortion is murder plain and simple and consider this in the year 1997 (this is the only year I know the statistic) there were aproximately 300 thousand children born in the united states. in that same year there were over 800 thousand abortions performed. bringing in billions of dollars and many of those were paid for by the U.S. government.
This is not a side bar issue for the Democratic party it has become their holy grail as Ann Coulter says, and in my opinion anyone who elects to office those people who support this practice and in some way supporting it themselves.
In conclusion let me say that my stance on gays and those who have performed abortions is and always will be -"That we love them as sons and daughters of God" But I cannot sit idly by and let them imdulge in such practices without warning them of the consequences of such actions. But there is always hope of repentance, I understand that people have certain inclinations which are strong. We all have one kind or another, but that doesn't excuse actions.
The End.